After not hearing from the baby daddy since he dropped the bomb about his current relationship not being with me or our child for over a month, we spoke. I called him because I was angry and needed to vent to him and I was in the process of setting up doctors appointments and trying to figure things out that involved him. A few days after my voice mail message, he called back informing me that he lost his phone which is why he took so long to call back. Classic. During the course of our relationship there was hardly a week that went by when his phone wasn't lost, broken, not charged-because he lost the charger or otherwise not working. I jumped right into what I needed to say.
I proceeded to let him know that I am severely disappointed in his actions since I told him I was pregnant with our child and that I was angry at his lack of involvement. I explained that since I found out about the pregnancy, my life has been turned upside down. Every single day I think about this pregnancy. I pray for this baby. I prepare for this baby. My body is changing. I had to tell people about the baby. And he...well...he can choose not to be involved. He is 450 miles away and that is completely unfair.
He was quiet for a minute then, in a very humble voice said, "I'm sorry. I will try to do better."
We then delved into the topic of his relationship and why I was so angry the last time we talked. It seems, I misunderstood what he said about the woman in his life. He met her THIS summer and the relationship has since been progressing. To attempt to get an idea of what the hell progressing means, I asked, "on a scale of 1-10, how serious is this relationship." His response: "5." Then I asked, "do you love her." He got quiet for a minute or so then said, "I like her but no, I do not love her." This was considerably more information than I got from our previous conversation when my questions and astonishment were met with, "its none of your business."
I also asked how involved he wanted to be in this pregnancy and child's life. He seemed genuinely offended by this question. I explained that since he had not called me to see how I or the baby are, had not responded to my emailed ultra sound photos or questions about baby names or nursery themes, did not return my calls, that it seemed pretty clear that his intentions were to not be involved. My statements were again met by a silence, then an apology and a promise to do better.
We then had a cordial conversation and that was that. I had no expectations of anything but sent him the next set of ultrasound pictures and updated doctor appointment dates. And tonight, I got a phone call. Baby daddy says he is going to come to visit sometime in the next month and he would like to buy a dresser/changing table for the baby's room that I found on craigslist. From there, we had a good conversation about how I am doing, what I need and just general life stuff.
Of course, right now, this is all still just talk from him. But, perhaps, he really is choosing to step up and be involved. Perhaps I will have some support from him sooner than I expected.
My unexpected life

- Kikers
- Blaine, MN, United States
- City girl at heart who returned to the Twin Cities after a four year stint in the Stinky Onion known to the rest of the world as Chicago. Consistent nomad, frequently moving, changing, evolving. Striving to settle down and plant some roots. Recently became a single mother to Caleb Justus and am figuring out the adventure that is motherhood. Getting used to living in the burbs again close to family and friends.
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