The hardest part of being a single parent is not having back up. I can handle the financial stress (thankfully Caleb's dad has never challenged child support and has been financially supportive since before Caleb was born). I have lots of family and friends who adore Caleb and are more than willing to spend time with him when I need a break from the 24/7 stress of parenting a strong willed, independent, toddler. I am within a mile and a half of my sisters and my mother so when I have meltdown, or Caleb gets a gash on his head, or Caleb has night terrors, or I need to know how much medication or what kind of medication to give a toddler for different ailments, or I wonder how to get him unconstipated as quickly as possible, I have access to help. Facebook and the internet also provide a plethora of answers to those random questions that pop up while parenting a toddler. So the challenge is not getting help and back up in those moments when I need it to be consistent. The part that kills me is not having daily, minute to minute back up regarding consistent training of life skills...I am not, by nature, a consistent person. I do not have a morning routine, I don't take the same route to work every day, I don't have an evening routine, I don't have a saturday routine, I don't have a cleaning routine or schedule, I don't have any sort of routine or schedule in my life when it comes to imparting the ability to sleep his own bed, develop a healthy morning routine (eat breakfast, put dishes in the sink, brush teeth, etc) or be potty trained or successfully banish the binky or develop and bedtime routine (clean up, bath, jammies, brush teeth, story, prayers, sleepy time), or restricting him to only one blanket at a time (he has several comfort blankets )those small blankets with the animal head on them): a monkey, a lion, a froggy, a bunny, a cow, eeyore and a pooh bear. I gathered the menagerie with the plan that we would always have a back up incase one was lost or in the wash, and we could have one at daycare, one in the diaper bag, one at grandma's house..etc. Last night he slept with bunny, pooh bear, and eeyore. The plan was for binky and blankies to stay in bed and not leave the bed during the day...but those big sad brown eyes win out..alas But I digress...
In a two parent household, the parents balance each other and back each other up in situations. If I suck at the potty training thing, my partner can pick up the slack and support me in training Caleb. As a working single parent, life is overwhelming and busy so it becomes challenging just to keep up with regular household things and getting enough rest while striving to keep stress low. When it comes to battles with my toddler over potty training, his binky, his blanket, his toys or other bad habits he has picked up I can only handle so many battles in a day knowing there are no reinforcements coming to keep the battle going while I take a break. I know I need to. I know consistency is one of the most important things a child needs...and he does have consistency where its important. He is consistently adored, played with, cuddled and tickled. He also knows what is acceptable behavior and what is not. He knows that I mean what I say. Where I drop the ball is being consistent with working with him on developing all those healthy, big boy habits he needs. Here's hoping it will all work out and my kid won't be 15 in diapers with a binky, a frog, a bunny and a monkey attached to him 24/7...
My unexpected life

- Kikers
- Blaine, MN, United States
- City girl at heart who returned to the Twin Cities after a four year stint in the Stinky Onion known to the rest of the world as Chicago. Consistent nomad, frequently moving, changing, evolving. Striving to settle down and plant some roots. Recently became a single mother to Caleb Justus and am figuring out the adventure that is motherhood. Getting used to living in the burbs again close to family and friends.
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