My unexpected life

- Kikers
- Blaine, MN, United States
- City girl at heart who returned to the Twin Cities after a four year stint in the Stinky Onion known to the rest of the world as Chicago. Consistent nomad, frequently moving, changing, evolving. Striving to settle down and plant some roots. Recently became a single mother to Caleb Justus and am figuring out the adventure that is motherhood. Getting used to living in the burbs again close to family and friends.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sharing Binkies
My son Caleb is going to be two in a week and a half and he loves his binky. Pacifier, binky, nuk, whatever you want to call it, he loves his. For a long time we had a great thing going for a long time where he would leave his binky in his crib when he got up in the morning but that went out the window when he started teething and he used his binky to sooth those nasty teeth by chewing on it. Then I went back to work and changed daycare provers, so binky became more a staple. His Auntie Aj started a game with Caleb called "chuck the binky" where she will unceremoniously yank the binky from between Caleb's unsuspecting little lips and proceed to 'chuck the binky' as far away from my little man as she can. All the while Caleb is yelling "NO CHUCK BINKY! NO CHUCK BINKY!" And as soon it lands, he runs over to retrieve it. Yes, its a bizarre toddler form of fetch...but regardless Caleb will aways go to find his binky. When you ask Caleb to share his binky with you, he will always say no. Unless you are Max the dog. My close friends the McConkey family have a lovely little dog named Max. Max is a bashon poodle mix who is adored by his family. The last time we visited the McConkey's home, Caleb did the unimaginable. He shared his funky with Max! This is a sign of complete love and devotion from my son. Caleb has also attempted to share his precious binky with Jem, our 18 pound tabby cat. Jem, unlike Max, refused the offer, but it speaks volumes about how Caleb feels about Jem. To be perfectly honest, I am was a bit jealous of Max and Jem and the binky sharing. I have asked Caleb to share his binky with me, but he has always refused. I brought him into this world and care for him every day of his little life, yet he refuses to share the precious binky with me...sure a cat and a dog get the precious binky but mommy? Nope. Until today. On Sunday mornings Caleb and I take it pretty easy. He wakes up and toddles into my room to wake me up for breakfast. This morning's breakfast wake up call was at, as a dutiful mommy, I got up and gave him some breakfast then changed his diaper. After that, we went back into my room for our Sunday morning cuddle time. During this time Caleb laid next to me reading his book and playing, sucking on the all powerful binky. After a while, he left. I assumed to go get a different book. My punkin toddled back into my room, climbed into bed with me and reached over to put a binky in my mouth. My adorable son left our cuddlefest to go into his room and fine me, his mommy, a precious binky! We spend the next few minutes facing each other, cuddling in bed, sucking on our matching blue soccer ball binkies. Today is a day I will never forget. My baby boy showed his love for me by bringing me a binky. The simple joys and pleasures of motherhood.
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