My unexpected life

- Kikers
- Blaine, MN, United States
- City girl at heart who returned to the Twin Cities after a four year stint in the Stinky Onion known to the rest of the world as Chicago. Consistent nomad, frequently moving, changing, evolving. Striving to settle down and plant some roots. Recently became a single mother to Caleb Justus and am figuring out the adventure that is motherhood. Getting used to living in the burbs again close to family and friends.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Rita and the Wood Ducks
My mother is a modern day St Francis, patron saint of the animals. She has always loved animals more than people, I can't say I blame her. Animals are innocent creatures that live on our planet to bring us joy-as pets, as amazing examples of Gods creative ability, as food, as entertainment, as part of the food chain that sustains our planet. Today was another animal adventure for my mother. It seems the animal kingdom has spread the word that in Coon Rapids there is a place with beautiful plants, a lush lawn, and a human that will not hurt you but will protect you so animals flock to this paradise. This morning it was a Wood Duck family. My mother knew the Wood Duck had chosen an old oak tree for her nest, much to her chagrin. See, there isn't any water nearby. No ponds, no lakes, no rivers can be accessed from my mother's yard. At 5:30am while Mom was sitting on the concrete bench in the middle of her patio surrounded by hostas and other plants, smoking her morning cigarette, mom noticed something in the yard under the big oak tree. A large broken egg. Uh oh. An egg fell out of the nest, where is the duckling?!? Well, never fear, the little ball of fluff was nearby wadding around and squawking up a storm. Not sure what to do, Mom called her sister whose husband knows a lot about birds. Mom was thinking she would have to figure out how to get the little wayward duckling back to his nest. Nope, according to the Audubon Book, when Wood Ducks are ready to leave the nest, they waddle down the trunk of the tree with their sharp claws keeping them steady and safe. With that information in hand, Mom went back out to check on the duckling. Now there were several ducklings waddling around the yard along with their mama. One curious little ball of fluffy feathers managed to get himself stuck between the next door neighbor's fence and house, so Mom jumped the fence (catching her shorts on the chain link) and brought the little one back to his family flock. She wore gloves, of course, to ensure that the mama wouldn't get upset. Once safely back in the sanctuary yard, Mom heard more cries and found that another little one had gotten himself stuck on the other side of the fence. This time he was between the dog kennel and the garage. Again, Mom (who is 58 years old) climbed the fence to save the little booger. Kneeling down, she stretched her hand between the kennel and the garage and scooped little bit up, returned him to his family waddling around the yard. Mother duck wasn't sure what to do with herself. She climbed into the play area my mom has for the grandkids which is edged by a few inches of wood to keep the area separated from the rest of the yard. By now the family was ten little ducklings and the mama wandering in the play area. They huddled into a corner where the mama paused to gather her flock and her thoughts. The babies cuddled up under her wings and she pondered her next step. Odie ran to the fence barking and the mama duck bolted to the other side of the yard. Odie is the sausage with legs who lives next door. His owner did not know about the duckling drama and let him out. Mom called over to the owner and the dog was removed from the situation but not before the mama duck had had enough. She was waddling alone across the yard. The ducklings were too small to get out of the short walled play area. So, Rita to the rescue! My mom went to get some wood planks and made ramps for the ducklings who quickly skittered up the ramps to follow their mother. While mom and the neighbor were discussing what to do, the family made their way across the street and were heading to University Avenue! There is a pond area on the other side of University Avenue which is a four lane, busy road. Ashley, the neighbor, immediately got in her car, followed the Wood Duck family down the street, parked and got out of her car to stop traffic to lead the little family safely across the highway. After they got across, she came back to let my mom know they family crossed safely then she walked to where the pond is to make sure they were safely in water. Which they were. Most people do not take the time to notice living creation around them but my mother consistently takes the time to care for these helpless creatures whose lands we have overtaken. To some, it may be silly. To me, it is deeply honorable and I am proud of my mother and the love she shows for animals.
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